Reflections For Yoga Mom's
Meditation & Intentions on behalf of Mother's Day
According to Elephant Journal, Yoga moms are defined by their practice.
“Yoga helps us be better people for our kids. We don't practice just to get our pre-baby bodies back. We practice because we love ourselves and our families and all the miracles our bodies can perform, from nurturing life to Standing Bow.”
If you're a yoga mom, you apply the spiritual and internal benefits from your practice to your daily life. Which, in turn, directly affects your children and the way their perspective is shaped (we are literally teaching them how to be a human). From learning to use the breath in order to settle the mind in times of screaming tiny voices surrounding you, begging for your consistent attention. To bringing curiosity to your mat, raising your children to begin their journey early, applying the same benefits you receive to their growing lives.
To celebrate your motherhood, and your contribution to your child's life, please take the time to read a few of these thoughts, applying them to the intention of your practice.
Release all expectations of perfection. Remember perfection is a prerequisite for pain. Your kids don't want a perfect mom, they just want a happy one.
Fear is a friend is a disguise. Befriend your fears and soothe your worries knowing it's just your Love trying to find another way to shine through. Love your fear, and allow yourself to trust the universe with your(their) present and future.
What you teach your children to do for themselves is more important than what you do for them without their participation. Just as you have learned to care for yourself, practicing year after year, is the greatest lesson you can pass on to them.
Positivity is contagious. What a warrior to fight negativity every day. Be a warrior for your children. Continue teaching them how to face their struggles, knowing life doesn't get easier...we just learn how to embrace it better.
Reward yourself for all that you are. For all that you give. For all that you sacrifice. For all that you do. For all that you love. Let your children help you embrace your inner child, for that little girl will always be there.
Namaste sweet moms. As a daughter, I have realized just how much a mother does for her children. With age comes wisdom, and I have been humbled by this understanding. You play multiple roles in your life. You are you, a mother, a daughter, a professional, a friend, sometimes a wife, and sometimes a grandmother too. Juggling so many roles and remaining at peace with happiness is what I see to be the hardest most ambitious action of love in my lifetime.
Today, we are not just celebrating you as a mother, but you in all your roles of life.