11 Ways to Use a Mat Roll

Mat rolls have emerged to the top of minds when considering solutions for everyday obstacles. We have discovered over the past couple of decades a few unique methods for their use by an assortment of businesses and consumers.

Learn more about the collected elevens uses for mat rolls that our customers have shared with us, in hopes to gain insight into possible solutions and creative approaches to address your own needs.    

  1. Bulk Ordering Yoga Mats

Each of our yoga mat rolls measures 103 feet long. When considering bulk buying yoga mats for a studio, gym, or event, consider the alternative solution of cutting your own mats. Long enough to cut 18-19 yoga mats each, mat rolls have become very popular amongst our customers when looking for the most affordable method to fill their space(s). Just don’t forget to purchase your own rotary yoga mat cutter to make the job itself easy. 

  1. Gym/Studio Flooring

Popular for fitness facilities, covering your studio or gym space with mat rolls offers a great solution for added padding where needed. Secure a few to an existing harder surface to provide a joint-friendly filler for clients or students.

We have even witnessed a yoga studio cutting and inserting a mat roll, in the shape of a lotus mind you, into their hardwood floors. Even with the flooring, it added a great piece of flare and safe space for after class posture practice.     

  1. Comfy Pet Surface

Known to provide comfort for various pets, we have customers who have covered their home with mat roll flooring in order to give the ones they love an enjoyable environment. Also popular with kennels, veterinarians, and animal hospitals to provide padded flooring for pets to play and feel at ease on, while also protecting the floor underneath. 

Another admirable pet-friendly method mat rolls were used for was inside a horse stable. Keepers covering each stall with mat roll material for the flooring to provide added luxury for the horses. 

  1. Line To Protect

For home-owners, cutting yoga mats and lining the base of drawers and cabinets can not only protect their interiors but also help soundproof your kitchen. Utensils and other appliances tend to rustle around each time you’re in search of an item, which can create noise for the surrounding rooms.

One family purchased a mat roll, cutting each of them a unique yoga mat for their height and practice, leaving enough material to utilize for their home. Even their cat’s litter boxes received extra padding! 

  1. Cut Unique Shapes

Similar to what was mentioned above, cutting a mat roll into unique shapes can provide fun shaped mats for children, decorating your studio, to use for events, and more. 

Cut your mat roll into a diamonds, lotus flowers, hearts, squares, circles, etc. to provide a unique surface for students to practice on!

  1. Rug Stability

Large area rugs or hallway runners can become dangerous without proper security to the floor beneath. A thin ?” mat rolls provide not only that but also an added level of padding for the rug to provide extra cushion. This technique was especially useful for rooms with a large area rug! 

  1. Kill The Weeds

One of the more interesting ways to use a mat roll was for killing weeds. Farmers have used mat rolls to cover an existing patch of grass or weeds to make room for new plants. With the weight of the yoga mat and hot sun, it’s only a matter of time before your soil is ready to start fresh again.

  1. Retirement Homes

Covering select rooms with yoga mat material caters to a safe and comfortable walking surface for the elderly. In retirement homes, their gym or game room flooring can offer residents an added level of comfort with padding below their feet. Soft surfaces also nourish sore muscles surrounding our spine, which sounds nice at any age!

  1. Kids Daycare

Kids fall often when playing and running around, it’s what they do. Which is why a flooring made of soft mat material can avoid the bruising and skin damage that comes with it. One daycare covered a quarter of their main playroom with mat roll material, offering their kids a safer place to release all their energy. 

  1. Garage Flooring

For those who utilize partial garage space for handy work, laying down a mat roll or two in that space is definitely a luxury. Some mechanics have lined a majority of their workspace with mat rolls, leaving the only hard surfaces to work on for the cars. 

Standing on your feet for long periods of time when working on a project, or even accidentally dropping heavy metal tools against the concrete can be enough reasons to heavily consider padding your garage with a softer material.  

  1. Camping

When cut, mat rolls offer you the ability to line the inside of any tent with customizable and reusable flooring. If the inside of your tent isn’t a concern, laying underneath the space is also a favorable idea. The padding creates a nice barrier between you and the cold Earth at night, as well as the potentially wet soil when it rains. Just roll the cut pieces back up when the weekend is over and use again on your next trip!