Happy National Yoga Month!

Hooray! September is finally here!Just as all alcoholics know that March 17th is St. Patrick's Day, us yogaholics know that September is Yoga Month! This blog is in honor of the whole month, which is selflessly dedicated to providing one inescapable reason after another to get flowing every day.


How are you celebrating? Here are 15 ways to supercharge your yoga lifestyle over the next 30 days:


1. 30-Day Bikram Challenge: The signature 26 postures over 90 minutes in a hot/humid room. Every day for 30 days. That's 2,700 minutes! Or just a little less than two full days (1,440 minutes = one day).


2. Set a personal goal. Allow this to be your intention for the entire month, if you feel so inclined. Finally hitting side crow would be a yoga-related personal goal, but think outside the box (or studio): maybe taking the plunge and knock something off your bucket list (motorcycle ride, anyone?) .. or breaking a bad habit or trying to change any negativity that may be holding your personality hostage?


3. Treat Yourself! Stay in, shade the windows, burn a candle, play your favorite yoga CD, and bust out the yoga mat for a decadent at-home practice.


4. Vedic diet: detoxify and purify the body by adopting a meat-free, guru-approved yoga diet -- even if it's only temporary, you will feel lighter and healthier.


5. Book a Yoga Cruise. Take a holistic holiday to offset office ennui. Book now, mark your calendar, and day dream for months! Cruises include vegan/vegetarian meals, yoga theory classes and lectures, and of course, meditation and yoga classes.


6. Read the Bhagavad Gita. Deity Krishna outlines three ways to reach enlightenment and avoid bad karma: Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, and Bhakti Yoga.


7. Experiencing yoga fashion envy lately? I know I have! Browse Yoga Direct's large selection of yoga apparel right here at home. With name brands like Gaiam and Prana, you'll find your new gift to yourself -- without the hassle of going to the mall! Go on, you deserve it!


8. Inversions. Legs up the wall pose is a restorative pose that will energize the spine. Try a yoga swing or hanging from monkey bars by the legs for freedom of movement in the pose with maximum stress and anxiety busting benefits!


9. Inspire a friend! Try bringing a buddy who's never stepped foot on a yoga mat to a gentle class. Helping others heal is healing in itself.


10. A.M. Sun Salutations. Kick off your morning with a piping hot cup of green tea and 25 sun salutations for an extra boost of energy.


11. Go outside! Before it gets too cold, take your practice outdoors to bond with the natural world.


12. Accrue good karma. Pay it forward. Find happiness from bringing a smile on the face of a complete stranger or fellow journeyer. Spread love! Maybe by paying for the yogi behind you when signing in for class or bringing a buddy who's never stepped foot on a yoga mat to a gentle class.


13. Yogi Brains. Fellowshipping in yoga class is awesome!Where else are you going to find a closer group of women (and men) who choose to live an equally healthy lifestyle? Break the ice by introducing yourself to the ladies in close proximity to your mat. Or, see how much love you get back when you bring in a batch of homemade energy bars to your class.


14. Update your yoga tool box. If it was April we could call it spring cleaning, so we'll call it fall cleaning. Peek at your yoga gear and check out what needs to be replaced. New props and proper maintenance ensures safety on the mat. Already well-stocked? Check out some of our new items.


15. Try a new class. Google local yoga studios and try something you wouldn't normally try. Write down what you did and didn't like about the new style after class. You might be surprised by your list of pro's!



By: Alice Jennings (G+)