Posted by Devin McGlynn on 2/12/2013 to
Do your mornings feel rushed, and do you wish you could start off in a peaceful mood? Here’s how to create an effective morning routine:

- Plan your time backwards. Sit down and write out what time you need to leave for work or start your day, and then plan backwards. What else do you like to do before you start your day?
- Include in that timeline 60 seconds to 10 minutes of stretching, breathing, and even Pilates. You can do these things in your pajamas.
- Make sure you have a plan for breakfast. Whether you’re picking it up on the way to work or making it at home, lay out your ingredients or add in enough time to stop and make sure you've eaten.

Stephanie Mansour from Step It Up with Steph has some great tips for living a more happy, healthy, and fit lifestyle. Check back each week for a new, fun, and easy way to live better, eat healthier, and experience something new!